定制印刷T恤业务是超级巨大的。 If you want to talk about the benefits, we’ll be here all day.如果你想谈论的好处,我们将在这里一整天。 But a few of them include being able to use readily available templates, having tons of sites online to choose from to submit your designs, being able to express yourself creatively and show off your talent (you know you want to do that!), and it’s not a full time job, but it’sa great way to make some extra income.但没有几个人,包括能够使用现成的模板,经吨的网站在线选择,以提交您的设计,能够表达自我,创造性地炫耀你的才干(你知道你想要做出来的! ) ,并它不是一个全职的工作,但它是一种以作一些额外的收入。
A bonus perk is that you can promote T-shirt companies for credits towards free shirts.奖金点亮的是,你可以促进T恤公司学分朝自由衬衫。 And really, who doesn’t love an awesome T-shirt?真的,谁不爱旖旎的T恤? But the fact remains: one of the coolest things you can do is actually design one.但事实仍然是:一个最酷的东西,你可以做的其实是设计之一。
Below are tips, terms and resources to get your started designing custom T-shirts.下面是小费,条件和资源,让你开始设计定制的T恤。 Seeing your designs in action and getting rewarded for them is a great feeling, so don’t procrastinate on this!看到你的设计在行动,并获得丰厚的回报,他们是一个伟大的感觉,所以不要拖,就这个!
Before you figure out what does work with T-shirt design, you might want to know what for sure doesn’t, eh?之前,你想出什么工作,与T恤设计,你可能会想知道到底为什么肯定没有,嗯? We’ve consulted T-shirt design sites on the Internet for what they say doesn’t work, to let you know what to avoid.我们已经征询T恤设计网站在互联网上为他们的言行不工作,让你知道应该怎样避免。
No Real Theme or Message in the Design 没有真正的主题或讯息,在设计
While some T-shirts are cool if they’re all hard to understand, most places want to sell T-shirts that do have a specific theme or message.而一些T恤衫是冷静,如果他们都努力去了解,全国大部分地方要出售T恤说,这样做有一个明确的主题或讯息。 And it shouldn’t take someone five minutes of starring at the T-shirt to figure it out, okay?它不应该有人五分钟的影片,在T恤,以图出来,好不好? You can make designs that are easy to understand, and are also artistic and innovative.你可以设计,是很容易理解的,也是艺术和创新。
The best way to learn about this is to go to different websites and look at the T-shirts that have won contests and are being sold.最好的方式了解,这是去不同的网站,并期待在T恤衫已经赢得了竞赛,并正在出售。 The best theme is often one that is simple.最佳主题往往是一个简单的。 But from there – it can be funny, ironic, anything!但是,从那里-它可以搞笑,讽刺,什么问题!
You Didn’t Use the Right Template (Oh No!) 你没有使用正确的模板(哦,不! )
Most of the sites that you can submit to will provide you with a template that is specific to their site, and you should use it.大部分的网站,您可以提交将为你提供一个模板是专门针对他们的网站,你应该使用它。 If you don’t, that might get you disqualified right off the bat!如果不这样做,可能会得到你丧失权利小康蝙蝠!
You Don’t Have the Copyright/Permission to Use the Images 你不拥有版权/许可使用图像
As much as you might love Ryan Seacrest (and who are we to judge?) using his face on your shirt might not work well.高达你可能会爱赖恩西克雷斯特(和我们是谁判断? )用他的脸对你的衬衫可能难以发挥作用。 If the artwork you’re using is copyrighted, you’ll have to deal with legal stuff, that no one wants to deal with.如果艺术品您使用的是受版权保护的,你将要面对的法律的东西吧,没有人愿意去处理。 Not even Ryan Seacrest.甚至不赖恩西克雷斯特。 Make sure that all images you use you have permission to use.确保所有图像,你用你的许可才能够使用。
Color Overload 彩色超负荷
Threadless.com only allows up to eight different colors (including black and white) in their designs. threadless.com只允许多达8个不同的颜色(包括黑色和白色) ,在他们的设计。 Allmightys.com and Teetonic.com only allows four colors. allmightys.com和teetonic.com只允许四种颜色。 Either way, unless you’re especially skilled and have enough money – using too many colors may result in a T-shirt that looks sloppily designed.无论哪种方式,除非你喜欢特别是熟练和有足够的钱-用太多的颜色,可能导致T恤看起来草率设计的。
Color Overload Part 2 彩色超负荷第2部分
Even though some T-shirt design sites with contests will say you can use X amount of colors, you don’t have to use the full amount.即使有些T恤设计网站与竞赛会说,你可以使用X金额颜色,你不须要使用足额发放。 One suggestion you can take into account is using different shades of the same color.一条条建议,你可以考虑的是,采用不同色调的同一颜色。 And don’t discount the overall effect of a shirt done in monochromatic colors.不折扣的影响,总体上的衬衫做单色的色彩。 Remember, less can be more.请记住,更不可能会有更多。
You Used a Gradient 你用了一个梯度
Some sites will not let you use gradients, so if you even use one – you’re eliminating yourself from the contest right away.有些网站会不会让你使用梯度,因此,如果你甚至用一个-您消除自己从竞赛的时候了。 Make sure to read over the site you’re submitting your design to so that you don’t make a mistake like this.请务必阅读本网站您提交您的设计,以使你不做出错误这样的。 Some sites do let you use a gradient.有些网站会这么做,让你用一个梯度。
You Wrote a Novel 你写小说
T-shirts are more for viewing than for say, reading. T恤更观看比说,读。 So if you want to write an epic poem, this isn’t the best place.因此,如果你想写一部史诗的诗,这不是最好的地方。 It probably won’t win, and you probably won’t be able to read it.它大概不会赢了,你很可能将无法阅读。 Stay clear of designs that have too much text.留下清晰的设计有太多的文字。
You Wrote a Sentence, but That’s All 你写了一句话,但是这一切
So you thought you could trick us by just using your favorite line from that epic poem (mentioned above), and putting it on your design?所以你以为你可以欺骗我们只用你最喜欢的路线,从这个史诗诗(上述) ,并把它你的设计吗? You used a really cool font and everything?你用了一个很酷的字体和一切呢? Well, I hate to tell you, but designs that only have just text are not often selected as they can be fairly easy to design.那么,我不想告诉你,但设计,只有简单的文字往往没有选择,因为他们可以相当容易设计。
It’s Blurry 它的模模糊糊
Who wants a T-shirt that’s badly pixilated or blurry?谁想做一件T恤的严重pixilated或模模糊糊? Not I, my friends!不是我,我的朋友们! Make sure your art can be seen clearly.确保你的艺术可以清楚地看出。 Details are fine, but they need to be clear.详情罚款,但他们必须明确。 Different sites ask for different image resolution, so consult the site you’re submitting to before you actually submit.不同地点的要求,为不同的图像分辨率,所以咨询网站您提交前,请先其实就范。
Grandmother’s Would Have to Stay Indoors Forever! 奶奶的,将要留在室内永远!
Do you love your Grandma?你爱你的奶奶? Grandpa?爷爷? Do you love/like anyone older, or significantly younger?你的爱/像任何人年纪大了,或大大年轻化? Well older people can be offended by off-color jokes, and kids can learn bad language they shouldn’t – all from a shirt.以及年长的人可以冒犯过色的笑话,和孩子们可以学习脏话,他们不应该-所有从上衣。 Your shirt!你的衬衫! I know the idea of power is surging through you and making you feel awesome… but please note that adult humor is usually not something that will win, no matter how funny it may be.我知道的想法权力是汹涌澎湃通过你,使你感到可怕… …但是请注意,成人幽默的是,通常不是一件赢,不管如何搞笑可能。
You Got ‘Special Printing’ Happy 你的’特殊印刷’快乐
Remember the key to things -everything in moderation.记住关键的东西-一切要适度。 Even cake!即使蛋糕! You’re using special printing techniques to make something stand out – so using this in too many places will, what?您使用的特种印刷技术,使一些站出来-所以使用这种太多地方,是什么呢? That’s right.是的。 It will de-emphasize what you were trying to emphasize.它会贬低什么,你想强调的。
You Keep Hitting ‘Submit’ 你们继续打’提交’
Even if you change your design a little, and then re-submit, most places won’t accept this.即使你改变你的设计一点,然后再提交全国大部分地方是不会接受的。 Do not re-submit something.不补办的东西。 Just wait.只是等待。
If you’re going to be designing a shirt, it will be helpful to be familiar with the terminology that is often used so you can ensure that you decide that the shirt you want made is of the highest quality possible.如果你要去加以设计的衬衫,这将有利于熟悉的术语,就是常用的,所以你可以确保你决定衣服,你想要取得,是最高品质的可能。 And even with a great design, if you use the wrong ink – your T-shirt might not work well.而即使是一个伟大的设计,如果您使用了错误的墨水-你的T恤,可能难以发挥作用。
Raised Ink: Best used for smaller areas (but not detailing), raised ink is ink that rises up. 提高油墨:最好用较小的区域(但不详述) ,提出了墨水的墨水上升。 Raised ink edges are rounded out, so don’t use this for any sharp lines.提高油墨的边缘是圆了,所以不要使用它进行任何的锐利线条。
High Density Ink: Much like raised ink, high density Ink rises up, and is best for small areas (but not detailing). 高密度油墨:很像提出墨水,高密度油墨上升,是最适合小面积(但不详述) 。 Unlike raised ink, High density has square edges.不像提出墨水,高密度已广场边。
Suede Ink: Suede ink is not actually suede, but it resembles suede. 仿麂皮油墨:绒面墨水其实不是绒面的,但它类似于麂皮。 Suede ink is not good to use on very thin or very wide areas.仿麂皮油墨是不好用就非常薄或非常广泛的领域。
Glow: This is ink that will glow in the dark, how cool is that? 辉光:这是油墨将辉光在黑暗中,是不是很酷? In normal light, it looks light, but can still appear.在正常曝光后,它看起来轻,但仍然可以出现。
UV Color Change: An ink that can only be used on light colored material. 紫外线颜色变化:一种墨水,只能用来对浅色材料。 The colors appear only when exposed to ultraviolet light.颜色似乎只有当暴露在紫外线光。 The color of your material will affect what color your ink will appear as.颜色,你会用什么影响你的彩色油墨会出现。 Do you like surprises?你喜欢惊喜?
Metallic Clear: This ink is printed onto another ink and the effect is sparkly effect, where the ink shade is also multiplied. 非金属清楚:这是油墨印上另一墨水和效果是sparkly效果,而墨水遮荫也成倍增加。
Shimmer: Much like you’d expect, shimmer ink adds a fun douse of sparkle to your material. 微光:就像你所期待,微光油墨中加入乐趣平息的光芒,你的材料。 The ink is metallic and you can find shimmer ink in these shades: silver, bronze, black and gold.油墨是金属,你可以找到微光油墨在这些色调:银,铜,黑色和黄金。
Glitter Ink: Add some bling to your T-shirt with glitter. 格里特油墨:添加一些盲到您的T恤与光芒。 Glitter ink is available in the basic colors of the rainbow.格里特油墨,可在基本颜色的彩虹。 ROYGBIV, baby! roygbiv ,宝贝!
Blistering: Blister ink is puff ink that sort of indents randomly. 水泡:水泡油墨,自卖自夸油墨之类的缩进随机。 You need a good amount of space to show the effect properly, and the ink can be heavy – so take that into consideration.你需要一个良好的空间,以显示效果,而墨水可以重-所以考虑这一点。 It looks great, but it might not be the most wearable ink.它看起来很大,但是,它可能不是最耐用的油墨。
Water-Based Inks: Using these inks, your design will look as though it was not so much printed on a T-shirt, but more like it was woven that way. 水基油墨:使用这些墨水,你的设计会从外表看来,虽然它不是那么多印在T恤,但更象是编织这样的。 A T-shirt with these inks will be soft, and can appear vintagey. T恤与这些墨水会软,并能出现vintagey 。
Heat Applications: Using heat, a variety of inks can be used together on the same T-shirt. 热应用:用热,各种各样的墨水可以结合起来使用,并于同T恤。
Flocking: Flock ink is like an imitation of felt. 植绒:羊群墨水像一个仿制的感觉。 Flock has a great texture to include on a T-shirt when used in moderation.一群具有相当的纹理,以包括对T恤使用时要适度。
Foil: If you’re looking for something shiny, a foil ink might be just what you’re looking for. 铝箔:如果你在寻找的东西闪亮,铝箔油墨可能正是您心目中的理想伴侣。 Foil ink is especially great at adding highlights to designs.铝箔油墨,尤其是在大加聚焦设计。
Vinyl: Like a record, you remember those? 醋酸乙烯:像创纪录的,你还记得吗? Vinyl ink is shiny and plastic, but not as hard as a record.乙烯树脂油墨,光泽和塑料,而不是作为硬作为一项纪录。
Appliqué: A pre-cut piece of fabric that is then sewn onto your shirt. appliqué :预切一块布料就是那么车缝到你的衬衣。
High-Density Gel: Ever wish your shirt could be a little more rubbery? 高密度凝胶:任何时候都希望你的衬衣可以多一点胶状? With gel, it can.与凝胶,它可以。 Just put some nice high-density gel on!刚才提出了一些漂亮的高密度凝胶对! Or you can just apply one coat, and give your design a glassy look.或者你可以只申请一个外套,让你的设计玻看看。
Burning: Through burnout, you remove cotton fibers, and leave synthetic fibers on a shirt. 燃烧:通过倦怠,你删除棉纤维,休假合成纤维上的衬衫。 This gives it a burned-out look.这还给它一个烧出焕然一新。 Use a shirt that is 70% cotton for best results.使用了一种神奇衬衫, 70 %的棉花,为达到最佳效果。
Discharge: Minds out of the gutter, please. 放电:头脑出的排水沟,请提出。 Discharge is basically bleach.放电基本上是漂白剂。 Applied raw, it will bleach a dark shirt white.适用于原料,将漂白水深色上衣白色。 Applied tinted, it will only mildly bleach the ink color.适用于有色,它只会轻度漂白墨水的颜色。
Embroidery: Using a needle, a thin thread is woven through a T-shirt, pretty! 刺绣:使用针头,一稀薄的论题是梭织通过T恤,漂亮!
Gradients and Simulated Process: Gradients can be used, but you should know that they must be smooth – as that’s how they will appear. 梯度和模拟过程:梯度可以用,但你应该知道,他们必须顺利-因为这对他们将如何出现。 If you’re using a half-tone to create a gradient for a T-shirt at Threadless.com, the lightest your half-tone should be is 10%.如果您使用的是半调子,以创造一个梯度为T恤threadless.com ,最轻你的半调子应该是百分之十。
Belt Printing: All-over printing that prints both sides of a T-shirt. 带印刷:全超过印刷版画双方的T恤。 Only one color can be used.只有一种色彩都可以使用。 Pick a good color!选择一个良好的色彩! I heard aquamarine is the new black.我听到海蓝宝石是新的黑色。
Jumbo Prints: A print is considered jumbo when it is 20” wide and 24” long. 巨型版画:打印被认为是珍宝的时候,它是20 “宽及24 “长。
1. 1 。 www.threadless.com www.threadless.com
Prizes: If your design is selected you will win: $2,000, $500.00 to be spent on Threadless.com OR $200.00, $500.00 each time your design is reprinted, Alumni club membership that includes a medal, and $10,000+ if you win a BestTee in the annual Threadless awards. 奖品:如果你的设计是选定的,你可以得到: $ 2000 , $ 500.00 ,以用于threadless.com或$ 200.00 , $ 500.00每一次你的设计是再版,校友俱乐部会员,其中包括奖牌, $ 10000 +如果你赢得besttee在每年threadless奖。
Voting: The community at Threadless.com scores and comments on your design for a period of seven days. 投票:社会threadless.com分数和评论,对你的设计为一期为7天。 The scores and comments influence the people in charge as to what designs should be picked.得分和评论的影响,该负责人,以何种设计应钦点的。
Get Started 起步
2. 2 。 www.designbyhumans.com www.designbyhumans.com
Prizes: You can win $750.00 ($250.00 of that is credit for the site) for Shirt of the Day (five are chosen a week), an additional $1,000 for the Shirt of Week and an additional $1,750 ($250.00 of that is credit for the site) Shirt of the Month. 奖品:你可以赢得$ 750.00 ( $ 250.00的就是信用,为旧址) ,为衬衫的一天( 5个选择了一个星期) ,另外1000美元用于衬衫的一周,并增加1750美元( $ 250.00的就是信用,为网站)恤至本月底。 The site also says, “Artists will be paid an additional cash award based on the number of t-shirts sold over the life of the design via the DBH Rock Star Awards.”该网站还表示, “艺术家,将获得额外现金奖励的基础上,有多少的T恤销售了超过生命的设计经胸径摇滚明星奖” 。
Voting: Members vote on what they like. 投票:各位委员表决什么,他们喜欢。 The site then decides.该幅土地,然后作决定。
Get Started 起步
3. 3 。 www.allmightys.com www.allmightys.com
Prizes: You can win a gold, silver, or bronze prize. 奖品:你可以赢得一场黄金,白银,或铜奖。 You get paid via commission – (generally) $2.00 per shirt.你得到报酬途经委员会-(一般) $ 2 .00%衬衣。 Once you’ve sold 50 shirts, you get a free shirt of your choice.一旦你已售出的50球衣,你有机会获得免费衬衫,你的选择。
Voting: Members vote, then the site looks at the three designs that have the most votes, comments, and what scores they have. 投票:大家投票,则此网站着眼于三个设计有最多选票,评论,什么分数,他们的。
Get Started 起步
4. 4 。 www.teetonic.com www.teetonic.com
Prizes: The site is pretty vague, “The highest rated designs win a cash prize and their tee joins the shop.” 奖品:该站点是相当模糊的, “最高额定设计赢得现金大奖,以及他们的发球加入店” 。
Voting: They pick one winner monthly (usually). 投票:他们选择一个赢家每月(通常情况下) 。 They decide who to pick based on your feedback and voting.他们决定由谁来接根据您的反馈和投票。
Get Started 起步
5. 5 。 www.gorillatank.com www.gorillatank.com
Prizes: If you win, you get $500.00 and $120.00 in store credit. 奖品:如果你赢了,你得到$ 500.00和$ 120.00 ,在商店的信用。
Voting: Input is allowed, but the site makes the final decision. 投票:投入是不允许的,但现场做最后决定。
Get Started 起步
We hope this guide helps you on your journey to becoming a great custom T-shirt designer.我们希望本指南可以帮助您对您的旅途成为一个伟大的习俗T恤设计师。 Who knows, maybe you will end up starting your own custom T-shirt design business!谁知道,也许你最终会开始您自己定制的T恤设计,生意兴隆!



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