Large format lens – Normal: Encyclopedia II – Large format lens – Normal
Large format lens – Basic Design. Zeiss Anastigmat Zeiss Tessar Berthiot: Flor, Ilor Boyer: Saphir Busch:Glyptar Dallmeyeralmac, Perfac, Serrac Erenmann: Ernon Hermagis: Hellor, Lynx Ilex: Paragon Kodak: Ektar Laak: Dailytar Leits: Elmar, Varop Meyer: Primotar Playbel: Anticomar Rodenstock: Ysar Ross: Xtralux Roussel: Stylor Schneider: Comparon, Xenar Tayer-Hobson: Apotal, Ental Voigtlander: Heliostigmat, Skopar Wol …
See also:
Large format lens, Large format lens – Wide Angle, Large format lens – Hypergon, Large format lens – Topogon, Large format lens – Hologon, Large format lens – Biogon, Large format lens – Dagor, Large format lens – Super Symmar Xl, Large format lens – Normal, Large format lens – Basic Design, Large format lens – Heliar, Large format lens – Sonnar, Large format lens – Artar, Large format lens – Planar, Large format lens – Tele, Large format lens – Others
Large format lens, Large format lens – Artar, Large format lens – Basic Design, Large format lens – Biogon, Large format lens – Dagor, Large format lens – Heliar, Large format lens – Hologon, Large format lens – Hypergon, Large format lens – Normal, Large format lens – Others, Large format lens – Planar, Large format lens – Sonnar, Large format lens – Super Symmar Xl, Large format lens – Tele, Large format lens – Topogon, Large format lens – Wide Angle
Large format lens: Encyclopedia II – Large format lens – Normal
Large format lens – Normal
Large format lens – Basic Design
Zeiss Anastigmat Zeiss Tessar
* Berthiot: Flor, Ilor
* Boyer: Saphir
* Busch:Glyptar
* Dallmeyeralmac, Perfac, Serrac
* Erenmann: Ernon
* Hermagis: Hellor, Lynx
* Ilex: Paragon
* Kodak: Ektar
* Laak: Dailytar
* Leits: Elmar, Varop
* Meyer: Primotar
* Playbel: Anticomar
* Rodenstock: Ysar
* Ross: Xtralux
* Roussel: Stylor
* Schneider: Comparon, Xenar
* Tayer-Hobson: Apotal, Ental
* Voigtlander: Heliostigmat, Skopar
* Wollensak: Raptar
* Wray: Lustrar
Some has apo for controlling the chromic abrreviation
Large format lens – Heliar
Large format lens – Sonnar
Large format lens – Artar
always come with apo-artar and very very sharp. Very famous make like kodak ektar 203mmf7.7.
Large format lens – Planar
* Agfa: Soligon
* Angenieux: S-type
* Astro: Kino, Tachar
* Bausch & Lomb: Aminar, baltar, Raytar
* Boyer: Saphir
* Dallmeyer: Super Six
* Enna: Annaston
* Isco: Westagon
* Kinoptik: Apochromat, Fulgior
* Kodak: Ektar, Aero Ektar
* Leitz: Elcan, f/1.2Noktilux, Sumarrit, Summar, Summitar, Summicron, Dygon
* Domiron
* Rodenstock: Heligon
* Ross: Xtralux
* Schneider: f/2 Xenon, Xenogon
* Steinheil: Quinon
* Taylor-Hobson: Amotal, Ivotal, Kinic, Opic Panchrotal, Speed Panchro
* Wollensak: Raptar
* Wray: Copying Lens
* Zeiss: Biotar, Flexon
Not important for b/w where contrast is more important than resolution. This design is very important for colour photos a, as it has beeter resolution. Good examples are apo-symmar and apo sirona or more coverage such as super symmar hm
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