Shawn Collins 在《 Affiliate Marketing 2.0 》列出了 Affiliate Marketing 1.0 与 Affiliate Marketing 2.0 的对照表,很Web2.0:

Affiliate Marketing 1.0 Affiliate Marketing 2.0
Forums Blogs/RSS
Staff with junior level marketing employee Outsourced affiliate program management
Email to recruit affiliates Direct mail to recruit affiliates
ePod and Yo! Chitika
CPC fraud Google AdSense
Raw data feeds Web Services,, Scripts, GoldenCAN
Wrong affiliates getting commission Direct links to merchant sites
General affiliate networks Niche affiliate networks

Fraudulent leads

Relying on the affiliate networks for background on affiliates

TARGUS On-Demand Lead Verification

The Affiliate List

来源:Affiliate Marketing 2.0


Amazon 率先推出,Google AdSense 发扬光大,足以说明这种营销体系的意义。但考虑到国内互联网的氛围,很多这样的好经也都很容易被念歪

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