Pure Data is a graphic environment of programming time-reality for the sound, it is a project of Miller Puckette. http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/.

Basic sites
http://www.artsens.org/videoseminaire2.html: Video of presentation (Fr)
http://pd.iem.at/pdb/: pdb, the Pure Dated Base – > Trouver an object, a bookshop,…
http://www.idecibel.com: pure documentation dated French – starting – forum helps (if if)
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pure_Data: A PureData page on the free encyclopaedia
=> (I started to publish a page on Fr. Wikipédia, seeing only one outline of page of 5 lines, consequently certain information will be surely redundant with this page, to discuss… – > Jerome)


InstallationDePdPdpPidip on a Satellite Toshiba portable Pro under Linux Ubuntu.
Installation and compilation of Pure Dated for Ubuntu: to see the wiki Pd https://puredata.info/Members/jmmmp/ubuntuinst/
InstallationdeGEM under debian since the CVS (thanks to Mr. Barknecht)


http://www.google.com/search?q=pd+%23N+canvas – > to find the patchs on the Net
http://www.akustische-kunst.org/puredata/percolate/: PeRColate library, Physical Modeling – > modeling of musical instruments.
http://impala.utopia.free.fr/pd/patchs/selection: Selection of patchs found on Internet
http://puredata.info/Members/syntax_the_nerd/bagoftricks-0.2.8: A collection of abstractions (effects, sequencers, sounds of battery)
http://nullpointer.co.uk/-/pd.htm: Box at rate/rhythm, Pusle Generator Grain
http://le-son666.com/asb2m10/: Box at Rythme, sequences
wacom v2.01/v2.02 – 34k http://www.cycling74.com/share/dudas/
get transducer information from has Wacom (gold Intuos) graphics tablet
(this is the latest functioning Mac OS 9 version, including source codes!)
Jean-Michel Dressmaker has made year OSX version which edge Be found At: http://www.lma.cnrs-mrs.fr/~IM/en_telecharger.htm
Doc. + forum: http://www.idecibel.com
docs + workshops + patchs: http://impala.utopia.free.fr/pd/
Doc. + patchs: http://mobil12.my-underworld.net/index.pd.php (news addresses but not updated since 2004)
Doc.: http://data-art.uqam.ca/ – (beginning of gathering of resources but the site really does not move: 08/2005)
Doc. Pd + GEM: http://www.agnula.org/documentation/dp_tutorials/pd_gem/
http://tsotso.org/tavi/?page=Pure+Data+Streaming+HowTo: HowTo? to make of audio/video Stream with theonice~ under Pd +Pdp+PidiP?
http://footils.org/tut/pddrums/pddrums.html: Tutorial Pd Drums – Very teaching
Bonds explored for pure dated
forum PD: http://puredata.antibling.org/ (English) – > does not go these times (08/2005) New address http://puredata.hurleur.com/ (01/2006)
Bond Pd + linux tuti quanti: http://www.apo33.org/bookmarks
Flash + PureData: [http://www.benchun.net/flosc/]
PureData + Gem: Doc. Fr in construction (initiation)
Bonds extraordinary for Pd
>> plugin for navigator to recover data for Pd
In this webpage we present A web browser plug-in for real-time audio synthesis. The plug-in runs the Pure Dated (Pd) sound synthesis engine within the web browser.
Content The plug-in enables dynamic multi-media where sound plays important year role and the playback of static sound files is not sufficient.
Interactive The project is being developed by the Sonic Systems Department At the Music Technology Group in Barcelona, Spain.
Publications related to this project:
ICMC2004: Year Internet Browser Plug-in for Real-time Audio Synthesis using Pure Dated
Formations on line
http://data-art.uqam.ca/: demarrage>initiation > PlanPD1 (mix of French English/from chapter 5)
http://www.labomedia.net/formpdintro2006.htm Formation Pure Went back to Labomedia: in test currently > PlanPD2
http://www.idecibel.com/modules/xfsection/index.php?category=9: beginning
>> RRADical Pd
>> to simulate the distances from the HP
>> to use plug-ins VST with Pd
>> to create interfaces of graphic order for Pd
>> workshop of the SAT on puredata


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