Mark Glaser再一次给我瞠目结舌的新闻,他真是个一流的记者与深度报导兼评论者。
他最先从埃及的blog得知,一路追踪发现:一个色情网站,最后变成目睹美军不义,未被消音删减的真实战争面貌,且同时照顾大兵性需求的「公益网站」,最后更形成一个对於战争人性深度的讨论群图片血腥残忍,慎入!!。是的,你提供他女大兵的裸照与尸体照片,他给你色情网站的密码。check this: Porn site offers soldiers free access in exchange for photos of dead Iraqis
这个站是美国人开设在荷兰的色情网站,”According to the site’s owner, Chris Wilson, who lives in Lakeland, Fla., but hosts the site out of Amsterdam, the site was launched in August 2004 and soon became popular with soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
这个站还蛮大的,根据这篇 报道 ,八月底有 “The site is not a secret: it counts more than 500.000 messages and 140.000 registered users “,现在则是 “Our users have posted a total of 624585 articles, We have 184402 registered users”,这样估算起来,每天增加约一千个註册会员以及三千个post。


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